In the time of toxic air

Published in Himal Southasian, 29 June 2015 You are on life support, it’s fragile, it’s technical, it’s public, it’s political, it could break down – it is breaking down – it’s being fixed, you are not too confident of those who fix it. – Bruno Latour, from his essay on air. The debate on urban…

Ordinary Infrastructures and the AAP sweep in Delhi

The Aam Aadmi Party’s stupendous victory in Delhi has been explained by several observers as the rise of populism constructed around the promise of various kinds of ‘freebies’ to, in particular, subaltern urban residents. This argument has been critiqued by AAP sympathizers as an elitist one that fails to recognize the various subsidies and state…

Criminalising Africans in Delhi’s Urban Villages

With Persis Taraporevala. Published in The Hindu. There is an eerie silence masquerading as peace in Khirki Extension. Previously home to a people of various nationalities, the recent fracas in the area has turned it into a shadow of its former self with many African residents fleeing the region. The raid and self-declared exposé against…

Modi and the ‘Urban Middle Class’

Notes in response to Arnab Ray’s ‘Deconstructing Modi’, published on his blog. —- — At the risk of being modeled, according to your schema, as a congenital Modi-basher, I must say that I abhor the person and much of what he stands for. Before Feb/March 2002 I did not. Fact is, Modi wears the killings…

The Crisis and Revanchist Resource Extraction

It is increasingly apparent that India is in the midst of an economic crisis. Most sectors are on a downward trajectory, the Rupee is in free-fall, and inflation has never really been adequately controlled despite government assurances. So much is clear from TV discussions and opeds in the last fortnight. It is, we are told,…

Kapashera Screenshots

Google Earth is a great tool to analyze cities, particularly the rapidly changing peri-urban spaces. Consider the following images: they are divided not only by the Old Delhi-Gurgaon Highway, but by much more. The area in question 1. East of the Highway In case it’s hard to make out (clickable), these are farmhouses of the NCR…

On the Freedom Railway

After independence from Britain in the early 1960s, Tanzania and Zambia simultaneously embarked on a purportedly non-aligned, moderately socialist, and import-substitution-led path to modernization. Given the economic ideas prevalent amongst modernist leaders of the time, the state-led creation of basic infrastructure was considered particularly crucial in the endeavor. This was the context to the attempts of Julius…

The African Growth Story: Mechanics and Politics

Another version of this article was published in the Tribune. After two decades of stagnation, Africa is widely believed to have turned the corner in the new millennium.  Countries across the continent are witnessing significantly increased foreign investment, trade, and feverish economic activity. More than half the countries in Africa recorded GDP growth of over…