Africa: Environment and Development

It is an ongoing project of mine at AUD–and hopefully, of others elsewhere in India–to help augment/create capacities for learning/research on Africa. To this end, I’ve come up with a course (below) that gives an introduction to geography-history-political economy of the Sub-Saharan part of the continent, but of course, reflects my own interests too. I…

There is no ‘Africa’

Published in Himal Southasian, July 2011 Following Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s recent visit to Africa and the accompanying India-Africa Summit in Addis Ababa, this relationship across the Indian Ocean has come firmly into the spotlight. Like previous iterations, however, this time observers in India have analysed the situation through a lens that has been simultaneously…

‘Our Lady of Alice Bhatti’

15 Sept, 2011 “There is no caste amongst Muslims. Islam does not permit such discrimination”. These words, quoted here from Shivam Vij’s excellent report, are of an upper caste Muslim in an East Champaran village. These can be the words only of someone who belongs to the upper caste, because s/he does not have to face the everyday…

It’s a Girl–Gendercide, Culture, and Explanation

“It’s a Girl’ is a sharp, crisp and succinct documentary on the systematic killing of unborn and infant girls in several parts of the world, most notably, India and China. The film contains interviews with activists, observers, and with mothers forced to part with their daughters. Most chillingly, one sees everyday women talking about the methods they…

Himachal Pradesh: Back to Nature?

Published in Hardnews magazine (January, 2013) Judging by the newsprint and TV time devoted to the Gujarat elections, Narendra Modi has clearly been the hyped-up story of the assembly polls this winter, and his mythical development agenda thenarrative to beat. The carnage of 2002 has been all but buried in this one-dimensional hyperbole. However, the results…